
The effect of hemostatic agent contamination on microleakage of restoration using two self-etching adhesives

Authors :
  • Autcharawan Thampalert, D.D.S.
  • Muratha Panich, D.D.S., M.S.D., ABOD

Abstract :

Objective To compare the effect of hemostatic agent contamination with and without water rinsing
on microleakage at occlusal and gingival walls of cavity restored with resin composite using two types
of self-etching adhesive.

Materials and methods Class V cavities were prepared in 70 human premolars. Occlusal and gingival
margins were located on enamel and cementum respectively. The teeth were randomly divided into 7
groups of ten teeth. Prepared cavities of group 1, 2 and 3, prior to composite restoration using clearfil
SE-bond, were subjected to non-hemostatic agent contamination (SE-control), hemostatic agent
contamination without water rinsing (SE-NR) and hemostatic agent contamination with water rinsing
(SE-R) respectively. Meanwhile, prepared cavities of group 4, 5 and 6, prior to composite restoration
using clearfil S3-bond, were subjected to non-hemostatic agent contamination (S3-control), hemostatic
agent contamination without water rinsing (S3-NR) and hemostatic agent contamination with water
rinsing (S3-R) respectively. Prepared cavities of group 7 were restored without bonding agent (negative
control). All teeth were subjected to thermocycling and then immersed in 50% silver nitrate solution for
24 hours. Microleakage at occlusal and gingival walls were evaluated and scored. Data were analyzed
using non-parametric statistic; Kruskal-Wallis Multiple comparisons and Mann-Whitney U test.

Results There was no significant difference of microleakage at occlusal walls of SE-control, SE-NR
and SE-R groups. SE-NR group had significantly higher microleakage at gingival wall than SE-control
group. S3-NR group showed significantly higher microleakage at both occlusal and gingival walls than
S3-control group.

Conclusion Hemostatic agent contamination without water rinsing, prior to composite restoration
using self-etching adhesives, promoted microleakage at cavity walls, except at the occlusal walls of
clearfil SE-bond using group. Water rinsing of hemostatic contaminated could lower the microleakage
which comparable to that of uncontaminated group.

(CU Dent J. 2010;33:15-24)

Keywords :
contamination; hemostatic agent; microleakage; self-etching adhesive
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