
The study of shear/peel bond strength of orthodontic adhesive bonding sandblasted brackets to enamel surface compared with new brackets

Authors :
  • Korapin Mahatumarat D.D.S., M.Sc. (Orthodontics), Diplomate, Thai Board of Orthodontics
  • Praewpun Masoo
  • Worrraruthai Titiroongruang
  • Souwarut Niumsuan

Abstract :

Objective To compare the shear/peel bond strength of the orthodontic adhesive bonding brackets to
enamel surface between re-bonded sandblasted brackets and new brackets.

Materials and methods 30 new brackets directly bonded to enamel surfaces of premolar teeth by
self-cured orthodontic adhesive were tested for the maximum shear/peel bond strength of adhesive at
bracket failure when using new brackets. The bracket bases were cleaned by the use of sandblasting
technique and remnant adhesive on the tooth surface was removed by low speed carbide bur.
The brackets were re-bonded to the same teeth by the same method twice. The maximum shear/
peel bond strength of first time and second time re-bonding were measured respectively.

Results The mean of maximum shear/peel bond strength of new bracket group, first time re-bonding
group and second time re-bonding groups were 12.64 ± 5.22 MPa, 4.14 ± 1.29 MPa and 1.46 ± 0.98
MPa respectively. There were statistical significances at 95% confidence interval between new bracket
group and first time re-bonding group and between first time re-bonding group and second time
re-bonding group.

Conclusion By the use of self-cured orthodontic adhesive in direct bonding of brackets to enamel
surfaces, re-bonding sandblasted brackets on the same teeth decreased the shear/peel bond strength.

(CU Dent J. 2010;33:25-30)

Keywords :
re-bonding; sandblasting; shear/peel bond strength
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