Micro-computed tomographic assessment
on marginal adaptation to dentin of biodentine
and MTA in blood contaminated furcation
Authors :
- Rangsit Makarukpinyo, D.D.S.
- Chootima Ratisoontorn, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Abstract :
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal adaptation of Biodentine and MTA in the presence and absence of blood in simulated furcation perforation cavities using microcomputed tomographic (micro-CT) assessment.
Materials and methods Furcation perforation cavities were prepared on 64 extracted human mandibular first molars. Samples were randomly divided into 4 groups: Biodentine with blood contamination group, Biodentine without blood contamination group, MTA with blood contamination group, and MTA without blood contamination group. All samples were scanned using microcomputed tomography to measure cavity volume and material volume at initial setting time and at 24 hours after setting. Percent gap volume was calculated from the difference between cavity volume and material volume.
Results Without blood contamination, mean percent gap volume of Biodentine was significantly lower than MTA (p < 0.05). Blood contamination significantly increased mean percent gap volume in both Biodentine and MTA (p < 0.05). With blood contamination, there was no significant difference in mean percent gap volume between Biodentine and MTA. There was no significant difference in percent gap volume between initial setting time and at 24 hours in all groups.
Conclusion Marginal adaptation of both materials were influenced by blood contamination. In blood contamination condition, there was no difference in marginal adaptation between Biodentine and MTA.
(CU Dent J. 2016;39:33-42)
Keywords :
Biodentine; blood contamination; furcation perforation; microcomputed tomography; MTA