Intraoral ceramic repair
Authors :
- Rungrong Sangsuwor D.D.S.
- Chaiwat Maneenut D.D.S., MDSc., TBOD., FRCDT., Ph.D.
- Charuphan Oonsombat D.D.S., Grad Dip.(Oper Dent), Cert. in Oper. Dent., M.S., ABOD.
Abstract :
Ceramic is a favorite dental restorative material. Although it is an esthetic and strong material, it can be cracked or fractured during service. For some patients, complete removal of damaged ceramic restoration is sometimes undesirable due to time-consuming and cost, direct resin composite repair is the alternative method for conservative and emergency treatment especially in area of esthetic concern. The purpose of this article is to review about the intraoral repair of fractured ceramic in the topics of types and components of ceramic, materials used for repairing, surface preparation and bond mechanism, methods of repairing, bond strength and survival rate of ceramic repair.
(CU Dent J. 2010;33:51-66)
Keywords :
ceramic; intraoral; repair