
A comparison of the efficiency of three toothpaste types in reducing halitosis in a group of Thais

Authors :
  • Chintana Sirichompun D.D.S. (Hons), M.D.Sc. (Orthodontics), Diplomate, Thai Board of Orthodontics
  • Siriporn Chotipaibulpun D.D.S. (Hons)
  • Suconta Chareonvit D.D.S. (Hons), Ph.D.
  • Tanakrit Thirawongpaisal
  • Theerawat Patanakullert
  • Phanuchat Sennawong

Abstract :

Objectives To compare the concentration levels of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in oral breath
before-after tooth- and tongue-brushing with each type of toothpaste, and to compare the efficiency
in reducing halitosis among three toothpaste types.

Materials and methods Sixteen subjects (8 males, 8 females, aged 18-22 years) with no oral pathology
and systemic diseases were selected. The concentration levels of VSC in morning breath were measured
by OralChroma™. After that, the subjects were assigned, for four experiments, to brush their teeth and
tongue with three toothpaste types (Abhaibhubejhr, Colgate® Total 12™, SYSTEMA deep impact) and
a placebo toothpaste. Then, halitosis was measured at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after toothand
tongue-brushing. To compare the concentration levels of VSC before-after tooth- and
tongue-brushing, either paired t-test or Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was analyzed. To compare the
efficiency in reducing halitosis among three toothpaste types and the placebo toothpaste, either one
way ANOVA or Robust tests of equality of means or Kruskul-Wallis test was analyzed at 0.05
significant level.

Results The concentration levels of VSC were significantly reduced at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes
after tooth- and tongue-brushing with each type of toothpaste (p < 0.05). Comparing among three
toothpaste types and the placebo toothpaste, there was no significant difference in the efficiency in
reducing halitosis (p > 0.05).

Conclusion Each type of toothpaste efficiently reduced halitosis at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes
after tooth- and tongue-brushing. The efficiency in reducing halitosis among three toothpaste types
and the placebo toothpaste was not significantly different.

(CU Dent J. 2009;32:1-10)

Keywords :
efficiency; reducing halitosis; toothpaste; volatile sulfur compounds
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