
The compressive strength and flexural strength of self adhesive resin cements

Authors :
  • Natchanan Withayajeakkhajorn D.D.S., Certificate in Clin. Sc. (Operative Dentistry)
  • Chaiwat Maneenut D.D.S., M.D.Sc., Ph.D.

Abstract :

Objective To study the compressive strength and flexural strength of self-adhesive resin cements and
compare to those of conventional resin cement

Materials and methods Compressive and flexural strengths of three self-etching resin cements [Rely
X U100 (3M ESPE), Maxcem (Kerr), Multilink sprint (Ivoclar vivadent)] were determined and
compared to those of conventional resin cement [Variolink II (Ivoclar vivadent)], using ISO 9917/2003
and ISO 4049/2000 regimens. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA at p = 0.05.

Results Mean compressive strengths of all cements were between 213.42 ± 3.74 and 278.82 ± 30.96
MPa. Variolink II showed the highest strength which was not significant different from those of RelyX
U100 and Maxcem. Multilink sprint had the lowest compressive strength and significant different from
those of the others. Mean flexural strengths of cements were between 88.33 ± 4.64 to 148.56 ± 23.42
MPa. Variolink II showed the highest strength which was not significant different from those of RelyX
U100 and Multilink sprint. Maxcem had the lowest flexural strength and significantly different from
those of the others, but not from RelyX U100.

Conclusion Most self-adhesive resin cements used in this study presented both compressive and
flexural strengths comparable to those of conventional resin cement. The aforementioned values were
also higher than those for ISO standard.

(CU Dent J. 2008;31:339-48)

Keywords :
compressive strength; flexural strength; self-adhesive resin cement
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