Microtensile bond strength of self-adhesive
resin cements to enamel or dentin
Authors :
- Yuttana Khuwuttayakorn D.D.S.
- Chaiwat Maneenut D.D.S., MDSc., Ph.D.
Abstract :
Objective To compare microtensile bond strength at enamel or dentin-resin interface of self-etch resin cements.
Material and methods Enamel or dentin surface of human third molars were flattened using a highspeed diamond bur. Resin composite blocks (Filtex Z350) were bonded to tooth surface using a selfetch resin cement (Panavia F 2.0) and three self adhesive resin cements (Rely X U100, Maxcem and Multilink Sprint). The specimens were stored for 24 hours in distilled water at 37 ÌC, the specimens were sectioned into hourglass shape and tested for μTBS testing at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. Mean bond strength were analyzed with One-way ANOVA. Tamhane Multiple Comparison and Independent Sample t-test (α=0.05).
Results Mean bond strength to enamel of Panavia F 2.0 was significantly higher than those of Rely X U100, Maxcem and Multilink Sprint. The bond strength to dentin of Panavia F 2.0 was not significantly different from that of Maxcem but significantly higher than those of Rely X U100 and Multilink Sprint. Multilink Sprint showed the lowest bond strength to dentin. The bond strength to enamel and dentin of Panavia F 2.0 and Maxcem were comparable. Meanwhile, higher bond strengths to enamel than to dentin of Rely X U100 and Multilink Sprint were noticed.
Conclusion The bonding effectiveness of self-adhesive resin cements to enamel and dentin is lower than that of a self-etch resin cement. Self adhesive resin cements showed no difference in bond strength to enamel but vice versa in dentin.
(CU Dent J. 2008;31:201-12)
Keywords :
dentin; enamel; microtensile bond strength; self adhesive resin cement