The accuracy of the master casts from three
different implant impression techniques
Authors :
- Kornthep Sukyukon D.D.S.
- Parnupong Wongthai D.D.S., M.S., Diplomate, Thai Board of Prosthodontics
Abstract :
Objective To investigate the accuracy of the master casts from three different implant impression techniques. The master casts were compared with the master model.
Materials and methods Thirty master casts were divided into three groups according to three impression techniques. Group 1 conventional impression technique at abutment level, group 2 direct implant impression technique and group 3 splinted direct implant impression technique. The master model was composed of two implants embeded in rectangular metal base with three reference points on the shoulder of each abutment. The master model was duplicated by additional silicone with three impression techniques then the impressions were poured with type IV stone. The dimensional changes of master casts were measured by measurement microscope at resolution 1/1000 mm. The results shown in coordinate point (x,y,z) for studying the direction of errors then changed the coordinate points to true dimensional changes by Pythagoras' theory. Each reference point was analyzed by One-way ANOVA and Tamhane Test.
Results The master casts made by the conventional impression technique at abutment level had significantly less dimensional changes than the direct impression one in all reference points (p = 0.001, < 0.001, < 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, < 0.001, respectively) and the splinted direct impression technique (p < 0.001). The master casts from the direct impression technique was not significantly different from the splinted direct impression technique (p = 0.446, 0.980, 0.212, 0.073, 0.108, 0.566, respectively).
Conclusion The conventional impression technique at abutment level had the most accuracy and splinted transfer coping did not affect the accuracy of the master casts.
(CU Dent J. 2008;31:223-34)
Keywords :
conventional impression technique; dental implant; implant impression technique;
impression accuracy; transfer coping