The science and art of ceramic restorations
Authors :
- Saijai Tanthanuch D.D.S., M.Sc. (Operative Dentistry)
- Vasana Patanapiradej D.D.S., Grad.Dip.Clin.Sc. (Endodontics), M.D.S, Diplomate, Thai board of Operative Dentistry
Abstract :
An ideal restorative material should have color and characteristics similar to the natural tooth. It should also be biocompatible, resistant to degradation and provide insulation. At present, the development of both ceramic and adhesive systems has led to more frequently used ceramics in dental clinic. Ceramics are stronger and have better properties than the other materials. This article reviewed the various ceramics according to their fabricated techniques such as conventional powder slurry ceramics, castable ceramics, pressable ceramics, infiltrated ceramics and machinable ceramics. This review also included the proper clinical use, try-in procedure, preparation for cementation and cementation ceramic restorations to tooth structure.
(CU Dent J. 2007;30:325-36)
Keywords :
ceramic; ceramic restoration; placement of the ceramic restoration