Technique in restoring short teeth
Authors :
- Suvit Limpattamapanee D.D.S., Grad. Dip. in Clin. Sc.
- Issarawan Boonsiri B.Sc., D.D.S., Grad. Dip. in Clin Sc., Cert. In Fixed Prosth
Abstract :
The most common cause of short clinical crown affecting multiple teeth is severe toothwear. Decision making and treatment planning are complex. This article provides etiologies of short teeth, location of attrition teeth in the mouth, severity of toothwear, and the factors effecting the treatment planning include guidline for selection methods of restoring short teeth by increasing retention for instances grooves, slots, crown lengthening with perio-surgery, orthodontic extrusion, raising vertical dimension by fixed or removable prosthesis. This article also describes the suitable treatment consideration for each patient.
(CU Dent J 2001;24:57-63)
Keywords :
crown lengthening; short teeth; vertical dimension