
A comparative study of lateral cephalometric analysis by computer programs and manual method

Authors :
  • Chatree Chayochaichana D.D.S.
  • Somsak Chengprapakorn B.Sc., D.D.S., M.D.Sc., Dip.Th.B.O.

Abstract :

Objective This study was to determine the different of measurements of Steiner and Rickett
analyses obtained from 5 computer cephalometric programs as compared to measurements by manual

Materials and methods Thirty-two lateral cephalograms were selected from those of patients of
Orthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University by purposive sampling
(8 males and 24 females) age 11-27 years (average 16.06 years). The films had permanent teeth,
no embedded tooth, no pathology that could overlap the root area of incisors and first permanent
molar. A manual tracing, including measurements and landmarks identification were proceded
following the direction of 5 computer programs: 1. Dentofacial planner, 2. Quick-ceph image,
3. RMO's Jiffy Orthodontic Evaluation, 4. Compu-ceph, 5. OTP Means, standard deviations which
obtained from the programs and manual method of the linear and angular measurements in the
Steiner and Ricketts analyses (18 variables) were compared by One-way ANOVA at significant level
.05, and the different of measurements under the six methods were tested by Multiple Comparisons
using Tukey test.

Results Four variables from 18 variables showed significant differences: Pog-NB (mm) of program
JOE, U6-PTV (mm), L1-APO (deg) and Facial axis angle of program Compu-ceph.

Conclusion These five commercial software programs for cephalometric analysis can use to replace
manual method if the user know how to choose input devices, use each program properly and have
basic knowledge of definitions and landmark identifications. The reasons for different finding in this
study were the difference in definition of reference points and measurement programs.

(CU Dent J. 2005;28:29-38)

Keywords :
cephalometric analysis; commercial software program; manual method
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