
Effect of phosphoric acid on microtensile bond strength between dimethacrylate-based fiber post and resin composite core material

Authors :
  • Sariya Saoraya D.D.S.
  • Wacharasak Tumrasvin D.D.S., Ph.D.
  • Siriporn Arunpraditkul D.D.S., M.Sc.

Abstract :

Objective To evaluate microtensile bond strength between dimethacrylate-based fiber post and resin
composite core material after post surface treatment with phosphoric acid followed by silane and/or
bonding agent.

Materials and methods Thirty FRC Postec Plus® were divided into 6 groups by application of post
surface with group 1 silane, group 2 bonding agent, group 3 silane and bonding agent. Group 4-6: post
surface were etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 1 minute and followed by application of silane
(group 4), bonding agent (group 5), and silane and bonding agent (group 6). The surface-treated post
was placed at the center of a cylindrical plastic matrix. Multicore® Flow was injected into the matrix
band and light-activated. The post-core units were cut into twenty stick-shaped specimens per group
for microtensile bond strength test. Modes of failure were classified by stereomicroscope (40x). Data were
analyzed with two-way analysis of variances and Dunnettûs T3 at a significance level 0.05 (p < 0.05).

Results Post surface treatment with phosphoric acid followed by silane and bonding agent showed
the significantly highest microtensile bond strength. Whereas silanization without phosphoric acid
etching showed the significantly lowest microtensile bond strength and adhesive failure. The most of
specimens in other groups demonstrated cohesive failure in fiber posts.

Conclusion Post surface treatment with 37% phosphoric acid for 1 minute followed by silane and/or bonding agent can increase microtensile bond strength between dimethacrylate-based fiber post and resin composite core material.

(CU Dent J. 2015;38:155-164)

Keywords :
bonding agent; dimethacrylate; fiber post; microtensile bond strength; phosphoric acid; silane
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