The diagnosis and determination of
vertical dimension
Authors :
- Watcharasak Tumrasvin D.D.S., Ph.D.
- Sudarat Nubdee D.D.S., Grad.Dip.Sc. (Prosthodontics), M.Sc. (Prosthodontics), Thai Board of Prosthodontics Dentistry
Abstract :
The diagnosis and determination of the vertical dimension are regarded as particularly important steps in prosthodontics treatment both in esthetic and function aspects for dentulous patient who may have a reduced vertical dimension due to excessive wear or loss of the posterior teeth and complete edentulous patient. Failure to diagnose and determine vertical dimension caused pathologic sequence in teeth, periodontium and masticatory system. This article reviews many concepts for altering of the vertical dimension and determination techniques of vertical dimension, which can be used for diagnosis and establishment of new vertical dimension for reduced vertical dimension patient.
(CU Dent J. 2015;38:165-176)
Keywords :
closest speaking space, freeway space, tooth wear, vertical dimension