Dental utilization in relation to type of dental care coverage among patients at a special dental clinic
Authors :
- Chanchai Hosanguan
- Panitnad Pala
- Pawinee Inhlor
Abstract :
Objectives At present Thailand has multiple dental care coverage schemes that perform differently. The purposes of this research were to investigate patterns of dental care utilization among patients and to assess the influences of dental care coverage on use of dental services.
Materials and methods Self - administered questionnaires were distributed to a sample of patients at the Special Dental Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University. Data were collected on utilization of dental services during the last year (year 2001). About 416 usable, completed questionnaires were returned.
Results Approximately 62.3% of patients possessed a form of dental care coverage. Civil Servant Medical Benefit (CSMB) was the largest group (46.9%), followed by Social Security (SS, 10.1%). The majority (92.8%) of subjects reported having dental care utilization during the last year. The most frequently used dental services were scaling (66.0%), filings (64.1%) and root canal treatments (36.1%). There was a significant relationship between types of dental care coverage and frequency of dental care utilization (p = 0.024). Patients with CSMB had a higher utilization rate than those with SS.
Conclusion In conclusion, dental care coverage schemes have impacts on patterns of utilization of dental services. Coverage schemes with varying extents of benefits may affect the equality of access to dental care
(CU Dent J 2004;27:125-139)
Keywords :
coverage; dental care utilization; social security; welfare