The study of prevalence of traumatic dental injury in male students
Authors :
Abstract :
Objective The purpose of this study was to survey the prevalence of traumatic dental injury, the causes and effect of the trauma and the most common affected teeth.
Materials and methods The sample of 2,934 male students, aged 11-18 years with middle to high socio - economic status, living in Bangkok was selected by purposive sampling. A trained and calibrated dentist collected the data through clinical examinations and interviews. Clinical examination focus on fractured and broken permanent teeth with treated and untreated including discoloration, mobility and missing.
Results The prevalence of traumatic dental injury was 9.3% (277 boys, 354 teeth). The main cause of injury was falls (53.1%). The most common affected teeth were the maxillary left and right central incisors 47.6% and 43.3%. Enamel fractures were the most common type of dental injuries (45.8%).
Conclusion The study revealed the rate that there was a prevalence of dental traumatic injury in male students and there is a need to motivate the public regarding methods of preventing dental injuries.
(CU Dent J. 2004;27:1-8)
Keywords :
prevalence; retrospective study; tooth fracture; traumatic dental injury