Influence of Root Canal Treatment on Endo - Perio Lesion : A Case Report
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Abstract :
Vertical bony defects were caused by both periodontal and pulpal infection. Either root canal treatment or periodontal therapy was needed for treatment of a lesion. Combination of both treatment was required in some cases. Success of treatment depended on accurate diagnosis which was established by pulpal vitality test, periodontal probing, and radiographic examination. This report presented the case of mandibular left second molar with deep pocket formation (>10 mm.) and second degree mobility. The tooth was non-vital. Radiographic examination showed extensive bone loss. Because the lesion originated from endodontic origin, complete healing was anticipated after root canal treatment. On a year and a half recall examination, the tooth was asymptomatic and functioning properly. Radiograph showed no evidence of periapical pathosis.
(CU Dent J 2003;26:111-8)
Keywords :
alveolar bone loss; endo-perio lesion