
A retrospective study of dental emergency treatments in Oral Diagnostic Clinic, Chulalongkorn University from 2010 to 2012

Authors :
  • Patnarin Kanjanabuch D.D.S., M.S. (Oral Medicine)
  • Paswach Wiriyakijja D.D.S.
  • Kanokwan Waleeratanawong
  • Natphajee Norasettrakoon

Abstract :

Objective To collect and study the data of patients undergoing dental emergency treatments at Oral
Diagnostic Clinic, Faculty of dentistry, Chulalongkorn University from 2010 to 2012.

Materials and methods One thousand five hundred and forty five dental chart records were collected
to study retrospectively. Data including gender, age, medical history, diagnosis, type of treatment,
position of the tooth and the problems in the clinic were recorded and analyzed.

Results One thousand five hundred and forty five dental patients were 1,974 numbers of treatment.
They were men 33.7% (521) and women 66.3% (1,024). The average age range at most was between
51-60 years (22.9%). The main chief complaint for emergency treatment was toothache (46%) and
sensitive tooth (12.2%). The most common diagnosis was irreversible pulpitis with apical periodontitis
(33.6%), followed by dental caries (22.7%), irreversible pulpitis with normal apical tissue (13.8%)
and reversible pulpitis (13.8%). The most common emergency treatment was emergency endodontic
treatment (47.4%), followed by caries control (36.5%) and curette (13%). Average waiting time for
emergency treatments was 4-7 day (28.3%).

Conclusion Dental pain caused by the irreversible pulpitis with apical periodontitis was the main
reason for the emergency treatments. Endodontic treatment was the most emergency treatments.
The average waiting time was 4-7 days. The most patients with dental pain received emergency
treatment in the same day as the examination.

(CU Dent J. 2015;38:67-76)

Keywords :
chief complaint; dental emergency treatments; dental patient; diagnosis
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