Comparative study of an effectiveness of the decalcifying agents
Authors :
- Vichittra Vipismakul
- Jullajak Tangyingyong
- Sucheera Pongpan
Abstract :
Objective The purpose of this study was to compare an effectiveness of 3 decalcifying agents; Ethylene-diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), Formic acid and Formalin-Nitric acid. The duration of decalcification, the price, the preparation of the agents and the deterioration of the tissue were studied.
Materials and Methods Twelve third molars were devided into 3 groups; the first group was decalcified by EDTA, the second by Formic acid and the third by Formalin-Nitric acid. The end-point of the decalcification was determined by chemical procedure.
Results The results yielded that it took 696.8 hours by EDTA, 148.5 hours by Formic acid and 102.0 hours by Formalin-Nitric acid for decalcification. The cost of EDTA was the most expensive whereas Formalin-Nitric acid was the least. Among the three decalcifying agents, only Formalin-Nitric acid discolored the tooth and destroyed some part of the tooth morphology.
Conclusion Formalin-Nitric acid was the most rapid decalcifying solution and the cost was the lowest but it may cause tissue damage. Formic acid took more time and the cost was more expensive but it was suitable for routine diagnostic work. EDTA was not recommended for routine work due to the length of time and the cost.
(CU Dent J 2002;25:175-83)
Keywords :
Decalcifying agent; EDTA; Formalin-nitric acid; Formic acid.