Errors of panoramic radiographs in dental school, Chulalongkorn University
Authors :
- Sureerat Thanakityingyond
- Wivian Romaneeya-uthayan
- Soontra Panmekiate
Abstract :
Objective To determine the frequency of errors of panoramic radiographs and the related factors.
Materials and methods Fifty three faulty panoramic radiographs taken in Radiology Clinic of the Department of Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University during February to October 2000 were selected and studied. These panoramic radiographs were examined and classified type of the errors by two experienced oral radiologists.
Results Error radiographs were found in 2.01% compared to the total of 2642 radiographs. Error in the vertical positioning was the most findings in 22.64% followed by the antero-posterior positioning in 16.98% and from both exposure associated with processing were found in 16.98% respectively. The errors of the radiographs mostly found in the patients of the age group of 16-30 years in 41.51%. There were no significance between gender and age with the type of errors.
Conclusion The major errors in this study were related to the radiographic technic as positioning of the patients rather than the film processing and radiographic factors. A big sample size should be used for the further studies. However, this study indicated the problems and the solutions for panoramic radiography in order to prevent these errors.
(CU Dent J 2002;25:95-102)
Keywords :
errors; panoramic radiography; patient positioning