Collagen type I : Synthesis and Regulation
Authors :
Abstract :
Type I collagen is the major insoluble fibrous protein that found in bone, dentin, dermis and tendon.
In this review, we focus on the mechanisms of type I collagen synthesis and regulation including transcription, translocation of mRNA from nucleus to cytoplasm, translation from nucleotide codon to amino acid as well as post-translation modifications which are necessary for the collagen. The participation of nuclear transcription factors such as Sp1, NF-I, CBF and NP/NMP4 in the COL1A1 transcription is also described in here. The experiments that leaded to the tissue-specific regulation of type I collagen hypothesis are also included in this review. The knowledge, that we gained, could be further applied to control the pathological diseases such as fibrosis, osteoporosis and periodontitis.
(CU Dent J 2001;24:145-54)
Keywords :
tissue-specific regulation; transcription; type I collagen