
Pharyngeal airway space changes in Thai Mandibular setback patients

Authors :
  • Chavanya Asavalertpalakorn, DDS., Ph.D
  • Thitapa Lelapityamit, DDS., Ph.D
  • Natawan Piriyakulkit, DDS., Ph.D
  • Phonkit Sinpitaksakul, DDS., Ph.D
  • Kevin A. Tompkins, DDS., Ph.D
  • Kanit Dhanesuan*, DDS., Ph.D

Abstract :

Background/Objective: The aims of this study were to determine the mean pharyngeal airway
space (PAS) area before and after mandibular setback surgery with Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus
Osteotomy (BSSRO) in class III skeletal deformity patients and to identify the correlation between
the amount of mandibular setback and PAS change.

Materials and Methods: Thirty-two patients who had undergone mandibular setback surgery with
BSSRO at the Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok,
Thailand) from January 2010-December 2015 were included in this study. The PAS areas were
measured from lateral cephalometric radiographs preoperatively (T0), immediately postoperatively
(TPO), 6 months follow-up (T6), and 1 year follow-up (T12). The setback amount and change in
PAS area were calculated and the correlation between them analyzed.

Results: The mean setback was 6.19 ± 0.54 mm. The mean PAS area was 471.54 ± 30.31 mm2 at T0,
444.39 ± 31.29 mm2 at TPO, 415.77 ± 25.67 mm2 at T6, and 406.1 ± 22.76 mm2 at T12. The mean PAS
area change was 27.14 ± 20 mm2 at TPO, 55.76 ± 22.11 mm2 at T6, and 65.41 ± 21.35 mm2 at T12
compared with the PAS area at T0. A positive correlation between the amount of setback and
the reduction in PAS area was found at T6 (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: There was a significant correlation between the amount of setback and the reduction of
PAS area at T6. Moreover, the PAS area was decreased after one-year follow-up.

(CU Dent J. 2018;41:53-62)


Keywords :
Class III Skeletal deformity; Lateral cephalometric; Mandibular setback surgery; Obstructive sleep apnea; Pharyngeal airway space
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