
Quality of life in patients prescribed vitamin B1-6-12 for treatment of sensory impairment related-mandibular orthognathic surgery

Authors :
  • Kamolratanakul Paksinee* DDS., Ph.D
  • Ruxwongkana Taya DDS.
  • Kraisittisirikul Gun DDS.
  • Trising Worawee DDS.
  • Subbalekha Keskanya DDS., Ph.D

Abstract :

Background/objective: One of the most common complication in orthognathic surgery is inferior
alveolar nerve injury, resulting in sensory impairment that affects patientûs daily life. Many studies
reported the potential of vitamin B on nerve regeneration. No clinical study showed the effect of
vitamin B1-6-12 on the quality of life. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the effect of vitamin B on oral
health related quality of life in post-orthognathic surgical nerve injury.

Materials and methods: A prospective, randomized, double blinded trial study were performed in
thirty two patients who had undergone mandibular orthognathic surgery with Bilateral Sagittal Split
Osteotomy procedure were enrolled in this study. Patients who developed inferior alveolar nerve
dysfunction after surgery (Global sensitivity score less than 12) were randomly divided into 2 groups;
eighteen patients took vitamin B1 300 mg, vitamin B6 15 mg and vitamin B12 165 μg per day as
prescribed after surgery and the others (fourteen patients) were controlled group without vitamin B
prescription). The quality of life were evaluated using condition specific OIDP or CS-OIDP with
neurosensory disturbance as specific problem.

Results: OIDP scores were calculated into percentage of improvement using score at 1 week as
baseline. At 3 and 6 months after surgery, the percentage of improvement of CS-OIDP score
related to sensory impairment was significantly higher in vitamin B1-6-12 group (82.38% and 86.5%
respectively) compared to control group (35.33% and 3.45% respectively).

Conclusion: Vitamin B1-6-12 improved quality of life in patients with sensory impairment of
inferior alveolar nerve after mandibular orthognathic surgery.

(CU Dent J. 2018;41:63-70)

Keywords :
inferior alveolar nerve injury, orthognathic surgery, quality of life, sensory impairment
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