
Painting-on topical fluoride gel markedly reduces the fluoride gel amount compared with tray application

Authors :
  • Kamonwan Sriwongchai D.D.S., Ms.c.
  • Wacharaporn Tasachan D.D.S.
  • Kasekarn Kasevayuth D.D.S., Ph.D.
  • Chutima Trairatvorakul D.D.S.

Abstract :

Background/objectives: Professional topical fluoride (F) gel application has been used to prevent
dental caries with a concern about safety in young children. The aim of this study is to evaluate
a paint-on technique using a No. 8 paint brush for applying professional topical F gel as
an alternative method in children at a safer, lower dose compared with a tray.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-one healthy children (12-15-year-old) participated in this
clinical crossover study. The amounts of F gel used were 0.4 ml in the paint-on or 5.0 ml in the tray.
Saliva and interproximal fluid were collected before, and immediately, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 60 min after
application. F retention efficiency was evaluated by salivary flow rate, F concentration, F availability,
and time half-life (t2).

Results: The salivary flow rate induced by the two methods were similar. The F concentration and
availability in the saliva and interproximal fluid in the paint-on technique was significantly higher
than those in the tray technique. The t2 in the saliva and interproximal fluid in the paint-on technique
were shorter than those in the tray.

Conclusion: The novel paint-on technique effectively delivered topical F gel at a safe dose that
would allow its use in young children, particularly those with a high caries risk.

(CU Dent J. 2019;42:77-88)

Keywords :
clinical studies, fluoride retention, interproximal fluid, saliva, topical fluoride gel
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