
Effect of resin coating on tensile bond strength between resin cements and dentin

Authors :
  • Krissana Banyatsrisakul D.D.S.
  • Niyom Thamrongananskul D.D.S., Ph.D.

Abstract :

Objective To study the effect of a resin coating on tensile bond strength between resin cements and

Materials and methods Forty extracted human molars were ground to flatten dentin surface using
low speed cutting machine and finished by 600-grit silicon carbide paper. The teeth were divided into
4 groups; 1) freshly dentin without coating was bonded with Panavia F 2.0, 2) dentin was coated by
resin coating and bonded with Panavia F 2.0, 3) freshly dentin without coating was bonded with
Superbond C & B, and 4) dentin was coated by resin coating and bonded with Superbond C & B.
After storage at 100% relative humidity and 37°C for 24 hours, all bonded teeth were prepared to
mini-dumbbell specimens. The tensile bond strength was performed using universal testing machine
at cross-head speed 0.5 mm/min. Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA.

Results The tensile bond strengths of group 1 and 2 were 9.59 ± 3.65 and 5.54 ± 2.07 MPa,
respectively. While those of group 3 and 4 were 17.03 ± 2.93 and 8.81 ± 3.85 MPa, respectively.
The highest tensile bond strength was found in group 3 and it was significantly different to other three
groups (p < 0.05). The tensile bond strengths between group 1 and 2 were significantly different
(p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference between bond strengths of group
1 and 4 as well as between group 2 and 4 (p > 0.05). For failure mode, 70% of specimens in group 1
and group 3 showed partial adhesive failure with remnants of resin cement remained on dentin surface.
While 60% of specimens in group 2 and 70% of those in group 4 demonstrated partial adhesive failure
with remnants of resin cement remained on coated dentin surface.

Conclusion Both Panavia F 2.0 and Superbond C & B showed higher tensile bond strength on
Freshly dentin than coated dentin.

(CU Dent J. 2014;37:25-38)

Keywords :
mini-dumbbell; resin cement; resin coating; tensile bond strength
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