Caries risk assessment
Authors :
- Palinee Detsomboonrat D.D.S., M.S. (Pediatric Dentistry)
- Pagaporn Pantuwadee Pisarnturakit D.D.S., M.Sc. (Health Development), Dr.P.H. (Health Education and Behavioral Sciences)
Abstract :
Caries risk assessment prior to its clinical appearance or its change size and severity is the procedure to assist dental public health personnel to classify patient with different risk to dental caries, which require different surveillance and monitoring plan, and to manage the limited health care resources appropriately. Therefore, the objective of this review is to indicate important and benefit of caries risk assessment and to identify risk factor for prediction future caries in children.
Since dental caries is a multi-etiological disease which consists of general factors such as socioeconomic status, systemic disease and medical history, while as specific factors include tooth and oral environment, behavior and microorganism. Considering the model for caries risk assessment, it should consider age, prevalence of disease, characteristic of dental caries and budget. Past caries experience, oral hygiene and brushing behavior is the best predictor of future caries in children. Microbial test is suitable for children with early caries. Microbial test is not suitable for rampant caries which microbial test should be used with other factors considered.
(CU Dent J. 2014;37:97-112)
Keywords :
caries risk assessment; dental caries; model