Modification of anterior guidance in
patient with wear in mandibular anterior
teeth: a case report
Authors :
- Mathuros Korkerdsup D.D.S.
- Chalermpol Leevailoj D.D.S., M.S.D, ABOD., FRCDT.
Abstract :
This case report describes how to establish the favorable anterior guidance in an anterior tooth wear patient. The anterior tooth wear is present at lower anterior teeth with an improper contour upper anterior fixed partial dental prosthesis (FPDP) 12-21. The FPDP was removed and replaced with a provisional cantilever FPDP. The favorable anterior guidance was established using a custom incisal guide table. Final restoration was placed. Periodic follow up evaluation is necessary.
(CU Dent J. 2012;35:241-58)
Keywords :
anterior guidance; custom incisal guide table; provisional FPDP