A Swing Arm Design Dental Surveyor
Authors :
- Vichet Chindavanig B. Sc., D.D.S., Cert. of Proficiency in Prosthodontics, M.S. (Oral Science)
Abstract :
The objective was to design and fabricate a dental surveyor using fewer complicated custom made industrial metal parts, thus minimizing production cost. The product design allows working with dental casts of varied dimensions. Current products were analyzed using machine design synthesis. The components of the new surveyor design are predominantly prefabricated objects. The formulation method is comparable with an inverse kinematic engineering approach. A swing arm dental surveyor design was found to be efficient for general dental use at a lower production cost. This article describes the design and assembling method of a dental surveyor made from local common products at low cost. The promotion of this product could stimulate end users to employ this novel instrument by which surveying dental casts can be done in a rapid manner and without restriction due to dental cast base thickness or size.
(CU Dent J. 2016;39:117-124)
Keywords :
dental innovation, dental surveyor, surveyor