
School oral health promotion programme: a holistic and participatory approach

Authors :
  • Sudaduang Gherunpong D.D.S., Ph.D.
  • Wanida Choursuwan Cert. Dental Assistant

Abstract :

Objectives To implement and illustrate a process and outcomes of school oral health promotion
programmes using holistic and community-participating approach.

Methods A one-year action research in Moo-Baan-Dek-Sarnrak Kindergarten, using the four-step
method of action research: preparation, situation analysis, project implementation and evaluation
(including health promotion actions, health promotion outcomes, intermediate health outcomes)
and conclusion. Qualitative and quantitative methods were employed for collecting and evaluating
data, through recording forms, interviews, observations and nutritional analysis (nutrient-based,
food-based and sugar consumed).

Results Most children had tooth decay, were physically underdeveloped and did not have proper
toothbrushing habit. School diet did not reach standard recommendations, some nutrients were
inadequate while some exceeded. Two projects of health promotion, ça holistic nutritional programmeé
and çbrushing together before taking a bathé, comprised of various socio-environmental strategies,
were developed under a collaboration of school and researcher team. The projects successfully
improved childrenûs nutritional status, particularly reduced the amount of sugar consumption by 80%.
Toothbrushing habit was improved, all children brushed their teeth in the morning and evening
regularly and rinsed once. Proportion of children brushing for at least 2 minutes increased from 6.4 to
63.3 by using a technique of ç12 step-brushingé originated by schoolteachers.

Conclusions This study demonstrated the application of holistic health and community participation
concepts to school oral health promotion programmes which successfully improved nutritional status
and toothbrushing habit of children. The study revealed the opportunity to integrate oral health
promotion into health-promoting school.

(CU Dent J. 2007;30:11-28)

Keywords :
community participation; health-promoting school; holistic; oral health promotion; socio-environmental strategies.
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