Different surface topography of dental implant
Authors :
- Viritpon Srimaneepong D .D.S., Grad Dip, MD. Sc.
Abstract :
In order to achieve the osseointegration, the surface of endosseous is considered as one factor determining the formation of bone-implant interface. Commercially pure (Cp) titanium implant has been widely to restore the missing teeth, however, nowadays there are many different surface treated implants in dentistry. They have shown the various clinical success and failure rates. Although the high success rate of using Cp machined titanium umplant is well documented, the rough surface implant has also been shown to have a crucial role on the osseointegration. Rough surface can be created by coating with hydroxyapatite, titanium or by removing titanium surface with sandblasting or acid-etching. There are many studies shown that rough surface not only accelerates bone-implant formation but also increases removal torque. However, more clinical studies are required to prove theses benefits.
(CU Dent J 2001;24:51-6)
Keywords :
osseointegration; surface treated implant