Dental surveyor: an innovative design
Authors :
- Vichet Chindavanig B.Sc., D.D.S., Cert. of Proficiency in Prosthodontics, M.S. (Oral Science)
Abstract :
Objective To design a dental surveyor with minimized component parts and low production cost for Thailand economic foundation.
Materials and methods An imported product was studied as a comparative model. Then, synthesis an alternative design of which prefabricated objects was assembled into a mechanical tool. Work simplification design philosophy comprising of reducing components, and custom made parts resulted tominimizing production cost.
Results Implication a design predominating with polymer is presenting for use as an alternative tool in dental education and chair-side. Sale price is nearly fifteen times less than an imported product of the same use.
Conclusion This innovative design is one of the attempts to produce a mechanical tool of which most component parts are available in Thailand. This invention may end the day to be reckoned with importing products and seize control national expense on moderate technological tools. Improvement of the product and promotion would stimulate inventors and end-users to the novelty value of which would be their esteem under self reliance for their motherland.
(CU Dent J. 2008;31:1-10)
Keywords :
surveyor; dental surveyor