Vital pulp therapy in a permanent molar
with irreversible pulpitis: a case report
Authors :
- Suphakorn Suksamai B.Sc., D.D.S., Grad. Dip. in Clin Sc. (Endodontics)
Abstract :
This case report describes vital pulp therapy of a 13-year-old girlûs left mandibular first molar with established irreversible pulpitis. Partial pulpotomy was performed and the remaining pulp was capped with MTA. Tooth was restored with glass ionomer cement and composite resin. Eighteen months clinical and radiographic follow-up revealed successful preservation of pulpal vitality.
(CU Dent J. 2014;37:351-60)
Keywords :
irreversible pulpitis; MTA; partial pulpotomy; vital pulp therapy