• Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Vision & Strategies


To be a high standard dental school focusing on creating a dentist which is highly competent and ethical to serve the society effectively with quality. 


Be a leading dental school; producing dentists who have excellent academic ability, morality, integrity and eagerness to learn, We pioneer, develop for services and research to obtain the new knowledge to serve the societies. We are a pillar of professional dentistry that have high academic standard with internationally recognized.


World-class dental school creating graduates, knowledge, and innovations for sustainable social development. 


• Excellence in academic and research

• Dental profession and community leadership

• Sustainable development of human resources and organization

Core Values

Care SMILE : Sustainability Mastery Integrity Leadership Excellence



Strategy 1 : Provide excellent teaching and learning to catch up with the changing world.
1.1 World-class dental school
1.2 International graduate dental school

Strategy 2 : Research and Innovation development for social needs.
2.1 World-class dental research 
2.2 Dental innovation for society

Strategy 3 : Development of academic services to be a pillar of professional dentistry and society.
3.1 Sustainable social responsibility

Strategy 4 : Sustainable development of internal oraginazation.
4.1 High performance organization
4.2 Sustainable financial stability
4.3 Sustainable human resource management and development